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06:00 - 08:30 |  Welcome Address and Plenary Session - 08:00 to 10:30

View Plenary Session: Organ Donation Worldwide

Sebastian Giwa, United States
New technologies to globally increase organ utilization and maximize the gift of donation
Sebastian Giwa, United States
New technologies to globally increase organ utilization and maximize the gift of donation
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
A world view: update on the latest donation and transplantation statistics
Dale Gardiner, United Kingdom
A world view: update on the latest donation and transplantation statistics

09:00 - 10:30 |  Concurrent Sessions - 11:00 to 12:30

Concurrent Session: A deep look into the USA OPO donation system and processes

Richard D. Hasz, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Philadelphia
Richard D. Hasz, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Philadelphia
Jeffrey P. Orlowski, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Oklahoma
Jeffrey P. Orlowski, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Oklahoma
Joseph Ferreira, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Nevada
Joseph Ferreira, United States
OPOs innovative practices and success: Nevada
Concurrent Session: Transmission of diseases

Ines Ushiro-Lumb, United Kingdom
Transmissible diseases dynamics
Ines Ushiro-Lumb, United Kingdom
Transmissible diseases dynamics
Camille N. Kotton, United States
How to avoid transmission of rare infectious diseases
Camille N. Kotton, United States
How to avoid transmission of rare infectious diseases
Beatriz Mahillo Duran, Spain
Malignancies in Deceased Organ Donors
Beatriz Mahillo Duran, Spain
Malignancies in Deceased Organ Donors
Concurrent Session: Death Determination

Matthew P Kirschen, United States
The neurological guidelines on Death Determination
Matthew P Kirschen, United States
The neurological guidelines on Death Determination
Emil J. N. Busch, Denmark
Is death determination necessary in cDCDD?
Emil J. N. Busch, Denmark
Is death determination necessary in cDCDD?
Michaël Chassé, Canada
Cerebral perfusion and ancillary testing
Michaël Chassé, Canada
Cerebral perfusion and ancillary testing
Concurrent Session: "We have no lack of potential Donors, we have a lack of Organization" - Overview of international Tissue Donation and Banking Systems

Martin Börgel, Germany
Introduction and short Overview about Global Situation Tissue Donation
Martin Börgel, Germany
Introduction and short Overview about Global Situation Tissue Donation
Melissa Greenwald, United States
Tissue Donation in USA
Melissa Greenwald, United States
Tissue Donation in USA
Kyle Bennett, United Kingdom
Tissue Donation in UK
Kyle Bennett, United Kingdom
Tissue Donation in UK
Francisco Martinez, Mexico
Tissue Donation in Mexico
Francisco Martinez, Mexico
Tissue Donation in Mexico
Debbie Stracey, Australia
Tissue Donation in Australia
Debbie Stracey, Australia
Tissue Donation in Australia

12:00 - 13:00 |  Oral Abstracts Sessions - 14:00 to 15:00

Oral Abstracts Session: Donor Management

Alexandre Chagas Santana, Brazil
Immunologic activation in an experimental brain death liver donor model
Alexandre Chagas Santana, Brazil
Immunologic activation in an experimental brain death liver donor model
Christine Radolovic, United States
Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) organ donor recovery center impact on donor case times
Christine Radolovic, United States
Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) organ donor recovery center impact on donor case times
Late organ procurement as much as 30 days after brain death
Late organ procurement as much as 30 days after brain death
Ananthanayagi AP Purushothaman, United Arab Emirates
Impact of implementation standard donor management protocol on the organ donation and procurement in a large tertiary care hospital in United Arab Emirates: Lessons learnt
Ananthanayagi AP Purushothaman, United Arab Emirates
Impact of implementation standard donor management protocol on the organ donation and procurement in a large tertiary care hospital in United Arab Emirates: Lessons learnt
Marne Humphries, United States
Albuterol and donor management after brain death
Marne Humphries, United States
Albuterol and donor management after brain death
Oral Abstracts Session: Education 1

Sarah J Mason, United Kingdom
The principles of donor management and optimisation: An online education package making a real difference
Sarah J Mason, United Kingdom
The principles of donor management and optimisation: An online education package making a real difference
Dustin B Wright, United States
Utilizing interpersonal communication to increase quantitative goals thereby doubling organ donors to become the state’s leading organ donor hospital
Dustin B Wright, United States
Utilizing interpersonal communication to increase quantitative goals thereby doubling organ donors to become the state’s leading organ donor hospital
Chloe Balleste, Spain
Transplant procurement management: 30 years of international training program in organ and tissue donation
Chloe Balleste, Spain
Transplant procurement management: 30 years of international training program in organ and tissue donation
Alison Hodak, Australia
Successful implementation of webcoaching for family donation conversation training
Alison Hodak, Australia
Successful implementation of webcoaching for family donation conversation training
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India
Empowering organ donation advocates through online grass-root level volunteer training: ‘the organ donation ambassadors program’
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India
Empowering organ donation advocates through online grass-root level volunteer training: ‘the organ donation ambassadors program’
Alain Landry, Canada
Deceased donation reform: a qualitative assessment of impact
Alain Landry, Canada
Deceased donation reform: a qualitative assessment of impact
Cynthia Isenor, Canada
Cynthia Isenor, Canada
Oral Abstracts Session: Ethical Issues

kim l wiebe, Canada
Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors: 2023 updated guidance for policy
kim l wiebe, Canada
Deceased organ and tissue donation after medical assistance in dying and other conscious and competent donors: 2023 updated guidance for policy
Theresa A Daly, United States
Pregnancy after kidney transplantation
Theresa A Daly, United States
Pregnancy after kidney transplantation
Vanessa Silva e Silva, Canada
Organ donation following medical assistance in dying: a scoping review
Vanessa Silva e Silva, Canada
Organ donation following medical assistance in dying: a scoping review
Anne Floden, Sweden
Directed Deceased Donation – pros and cons
Anne Floden, Sweden
Directed Deceased Donation – pros and cons
Emil J. N. Busch, Denmark
Lethal donation?: Does physicians cause death of donors in cDCDD-NRP?
Emil J. N. Busch, Denmark
Lethal donation?: Does physicians cause death of donors in cDCDD-NRP?
Elmi Muller, South Africa
The legislative landscape for organ donation and organ trafficking in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in Africa
Elmi Muller, South Africa
The legislative landscape for organ donation and organ trafficking in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) in Africa
Oral Abstracts Session: Tissue Donation - International perspectives

Martin Börgel, Germany
Facilitated questions, comment and panel discussions
Martin Börgel, Germany
Facilitated questions, comment and panel discussions
Melissa Greenwald, United States
Melissa Greenwald, United States
Kyle Bennett, United Kingdom
Kyle Bennett, United Kingdom
Debbie Stracey, Australia
Debbie Stracey, Australia
M. Mason Macenski, United States
Maximizing the gift of life: Using perfusion technology to bioengineer multiple transplantable kidneys from a single donor kidney
M. Mason Macenski, United States
Maximizing the gift of life: Using perfusion technology to bioengineer multiple transplantable kidneys from a single donor kidney
Joaquim Albiol, Spain
Two decades of experience: the evolution of international tissue banking and advanced therapies educational program
Joaquim Albiol, Spain
Two decades of experience: the evolution of international tissue banking and advanced therapies educational program
Danielle Fisher, Australia
Bioengineering, sustainability and the future of tissue banking in Australia
Danielle Fisher, Australia
Bioengineering, sustainability and the future of tissue banking in Australia

13:10 - 14:10 |  Mini-Oral Abstracts Sessions - 15:10 to 16:10

Oral Abstracts Session: Donor Detection/Management

Brian Alvarez, Spain
Active deceased donor detection: Evaluating the impact on organ donation rates in Saudi Arabia in 2022
Brian Alvarez, Spain
Active deceased donor detection: Evaluating the impact on organ donation rates in Saudi Arabia in 2022
Brian Alvarez, Spain
Evaluating the impact of medical evacuations on organ recovery and transportation in Saudi Arabia in 2022
Brian Alvarez, Spain
Evaluating the impact of medical evacuations on organ recovery and transportation in Saudi Arabia in 2022
Samara Zavalkoff, Canada
Preventable harm in the Canadian organ donation and transplantation system (semi colon) a descriptive study of missed organ donor identification and referral
Samara Zavalkoff, Canada
Preventable harm in the Canadian organ donation and transplantation system (semi colon) a descriptive study of missed organ donor identification and referral
Kristin Delli Carpini, United States
Using business intelligence to improve organ donor referral responses
Kristin Delli Carpini, United States
Using business intelligence to improve organ donor referral responses
Delbrynth M Smigel, Philippines
Organ procurement failure in a tertiary government hospital in the Philippines: why are we losing our potential donors?
Delbrynth M Smigel, Philippines
Organ procurement failure in a tertiary government hospital in the Philippines: why are we losing our potential donors?
Christy L Bridwell, United States
Establishing and maximizing the potential for organ donation in a long-term acute care hospital system
Christy L Bridwell, United States
Establishing and maximizing the potential for organ donation in a long-term acute care hospital system
Dustin B Wright, United States
Dustin B Wright, United States
Mini-Oral Abstracts Session: Consent/ Public Health Care

Bruce Nicely, United States
Donation approach performance metrics to improve organ donation rates
Bruce Nicely, United States
Donation approach performance metrics to improve organ donation rates
Jeff G Mathews, United States
Organ donor outcomes in the hispanic/latino population: a single OPO review
Jeff G Mathews, United States
Organ donor outcomes in the hispanic/latino population: a single OPO review
Maria P Gomez, United Arab Emirates
UAE deceased organ donation model_ 5 years implementation
Maria P Gomez, United Arab Emirates
UAE deceased organ donation model_ 5 years implementation
Yajie MA, People's Republic of China
The development progress of “the Shanxi Model”: the first independent provincial OPO in China
Yajie MA, People's Republic of China
The development progress of “the Shanxi Model”: the first independent provincial OPO in China
Lucinda J Barry AM, Australia
The declining consent rate in Australia during the pandemic
Lucinda J Barry AM, Australia
The declining consent rate in Australia during the pandemic
Vanessa Silva e Silva, Canada
Understanding compassion fatigue, moral distress, and burnout among organ donation coordinators in canada: a mixed-methods study
Vanessa Silva e Silva, Canada
Understanding compassion fatigue, moral distress, and burnout among organ donation coordinators in canada: a mixed-methods study
Samara Zavalkoff, Canada
Validation study of the new Canadian deceased organ donation dataset and metrics
Samara Zavalkoff, Canada
Validation study of the new Canadian deceased organ donation dataset and metrics
Christian Van Reede, Australia
First person consent in DCD – Case review: Donation from NIV
Christian Van Reede, Australia
First person consent in DCD – Case review: Donation from NIV
Mini-Oral Abstracts Session: Training/Utilization

Wenshi Jiang, People's Republic of China
Incorporating the concept of organ donation into life and death education applying the eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets
Wenshi Jiang, People's Republic of China
Incorporating the concept of organ donation into life and death education applying the eastern-derived and conceptualized tenets
Luiz Gustavo Torres Dias da Cruz, Brazil
Development of a multidisciplinary protocol for thoracic organ donation process
Luiz Gustavo Torres Dias da Cruz, Brazil
Development of a multidisciplinary protocol for thoracic organ donation process
Michael J Boyle, Australia
The legacy of COVID on NSW renal graft offers
Michael J Boyle, Australia
The legacy of COVID on NSW renal graft offers
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India
Breaking barriers in transplant coordination training: A developing country's experience with online education initiative
Jayalakshmi Jairam, India
Breaking barriers in transplant coordination training: A developing country's experience with online education initiative
Abigail W Cheng, United States
Transplantation of contaminated kidneys : the utility of perioperative donor perfusate cultures
Abigail W Cheng, United States
Transplantation of contaminated kidneys : the utility of perioperative donor perfusate cultures
Amanda Beck, United States
Increasing kidney utilization
Amanda Beck, United States
Increasing kidney utilization
Reginaldo Carlos Boni, United Arab Emirates
How does the methodological clinical evaluation impact organ donation? Experience from 4 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO)
Reginaldo Carlos Boni, United Arab Emirates
How does the methodological clinical evaluation impact organ donation? Experience from 4 Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO)
Wael Taher Habhab, Saudi Arabia
Liver donation trends in Saudi Arabia (1990-2022): Evaluating the impact of deceased and living donor transplants
Wael Taher Habhab, Saudi Arabia
Liver donation trends in Saudi Arabia (1990-2022): Evaluating the impact of deceased and living donor transplants
Mini-Oral Abstracts Session: Maximizing the gift

Andrea Thaeder-Voigt, Germany
The transplant quality is unaffected by cornea procurement up to 72 hours
Andrea Thaeder-Voigt, Germany
The transplant quality is unaffected by cornea procurement up to 72 hours
Jazmin Angulo, United States
Implementation of a direct hospital-based referral program for birth tissue donation
Jazmin Angulo, United States
Implementation of a direct hospital-based referral program for birth tissue donation
Heather Osipowicz, United States
Heather Osipowicz, United States
Sophia Roß, Germany
Double frozen human amniotic membrane as therapy option for non-healing wounds
Sophia Roß, Germany
Double frozen human amniotic membrane as therapy option for non-healing wounds
Aurora Navarro Cantullera, Spain
Planning to improve organ and tissue quality and safety: biovigilance training activities
Aurora Navarro Cantullera, Spain
Planning to improve organ and tissue quality and safety: biovigilance training activities
Danielle Fisher, Australia
Bringing organ and tissue donation together in Australia
Danielle Fisher, Australia
Bringing organ and tissue donation together in Australia
Katharina Baron, Germany
Quality of cardiovascular tissue in relation to the donation process
Katharina Baron, Germany
Quality of cardiovascular tissue in relation to the donation process
Martha Susana Pérez Cornejo, Mexico
How to increase organ and tissue donation with a low budget and better approach
Martha Susana Pérez Cornejo, Mexico
How to increase organ and tissue donation with a low budget and better approach
Katja Kirchner, Germany
Spotlight on relatives of tissue donors - what factors influence the decision-making process?
Katja Kirchner, Germany
Spotlight on relatives of tissue donors - what factors influence the decision-making process?

14:45 - 16:15 |  Concurrent Sessions - 16:45 to 18:15

Concurrent Session: ISODP-DICG: Organ donation/ the dark side

Sanjay Nagral, India
Incentives for donation; View from the global south
Sanjay Nagral, India
Incentives for donation; View from the global south
Thomas F. Mueller, Switzerland
Affluent people seeking access to transplantation
Thomas F. Mueller, Switzerland
Affluent people seeking access to transplantation
Nancy Ascher, United States
Transplantation of Foreigners in the US
Nancy Ascher, United States
Transplantation of Foreigners in the US
Concurrent Session: Role of social media and internet on organ donation

Alessandro R. Marcon, Canada
Optimize organ donation through social media
Alessandro R. Marcon, Canada
Optimize organ donation through social media
David Fleming, United States
Using the internet in decision making for organ donation
David Fleming, United States
Using the internet in decision making for organ donation
Tina A Coco AO, Australia
Family Approach – Science or Art?
Tina A Coco AO, Australia
Family Approach – Science or Art?
Concurrent Session: Organ utilization

Chris Callaghan, United Kingdom
New organ donation and transplantation strategy
Chris Callaghan, United Kingdom
New organ donation and transplantation strategy
Richard D. Hasz, United States
A closer look to the discard rate in different US OPOs
Richard D. Hasz, United States
A closer look to the discard rate in different US OPOs
Rodrigo Lopez Falcony, Mexico
Organ utilization in South America
Rodrigo Lopez Falcony, Mexico
Organ utilization in South America
Concurrent Session: Future Opportunities for Tissue Donation and Banking

Aurora Navarro Cantullera, Spain
Surprises and challenges: My organ donor is also a tissue donor
Aurora Navarro Cantullera, Spain
Surprises and challenges: My organ donor is also a tissue donor
Kevin Caldwell, United States
Bone marrow cells from vertebral bodies
Kevin Caldwell, United States
Bone marrow cells from vertebral bodies
Nicholas Pashos, United States
Nipple-areolar complex grafts & acellular regenerative grafts
Nicholas Pashos, United States
Nipple-areolar complex grafts & acellular regenerative grafts


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