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Donor Detection

Thursday October 19, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00

Room: South Seas Ballroom A/B

P3.8 Organ procurement and transplantation in Poland in 2022

Teresa Danek, Poland

Transplant coordionator
Polish Transplant Coordinating Center POLTRANSPLANT


Organ procurement and transplantation in Poland in 2022

Anna Łęczycka1, Teresa Danek1, Krystyna Antoszkiewicz1, Artur Kamiński1,3, Jarosław Czerwiński1,2.

1Polish Transplant Coordinating Center Poltransplant, Warsaw, Poland; 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; 3Department of Transplantology and Central Tissue Bank, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

In 2022, 640 potential deceased organ donors were reported to Poltransplant. In 445 cases(70%) there were actual donors, while in 195 donors(30%) the retrieval did not take place. In 86 cases(13%) the donation did not take place for medical reasons, and in 109 cases(17%) the donation was abandoned due to lack of authorization for the donation. The most common causes of death for deceased donors in DBD of more than 60% of the donors reported, and cranio cerebral trauma of more than 20% of all cases. Other causes of DBD were poisoning, asphyxia, benign brain tumors.
The average age of deceased donors from whom organs were harvested was 47. About 60% of the reported actual donors were men.
Of a total of 445 donations from deceased donors, 373(84%) were multi-organ donations. From 60 donors, kidneys alone were collected, from 10 donors only the liver was collected, and from 2 donors only the heart was collected.

In multi-organ donations, kidneys and liver(155 times), kidneys, heart and liver(92 times), kidneys, heart, liver and lungs(53 times), kidneys, liver, lungs(32 times) were the most frequently obtained.
A total of 858 kidneys were harvested, of which 57(7%) kidneys were not transplanted due to the finding of significant pathology of other donor organs, pathology of the kidney or renal vessels, kidney injury, or due to the lack of suitable kidney recipients from donors with risk factors.
364 livers were harvested, 60 more than in the previous year. In 30 cases, the harvested organ was disqualified based on the histopathological result. 334 livers harvested from deceased donors were transplanted, including a liver together with a kidney 5 times.  
181 hearts were harvested. In 8 cases, the harvested organ was disqualified for medical reasons. 173 retrieved hearts were transplanted, including one transplant of a heart together with lungs retrieved from a single donor.
Lungs were harvested from 103 deceased donors; in 12 cases, none of the pair of harvested lungs was transplanted due to identified organ pathology. 169 lungs were used in various combinations out of 182 donations from 91 donors:

Summarizing donations: The total number of organs retrieved from deceased donors in 2022 was 1,627, compared to 2021 was higher by 171 organs. The largest number of organs retrieved from deceased kidney donors was 858, as well as livers-364 and lungs-206.
In 2022, the number of actual deceased organ donors was 445, giving 11.76 donors per 1 million residents. This rate was slightly higher than in 2020 and 2021, but lower than in previous years.
Summarizing transplants: In 2022, of the 1,627 organs harvested from deceased donors, 132 organs were not transplanted.  A total of 1,495 organs were transplanted(801 of 858 kidneys procured, 18 of 18 pancreases procured, 334 of 364 livers procured, 173 of 181 hearts procured, 169 of 206 lungs procured. The ratio of organs transplanted to the number of deceased donors was 3.4
Tissues were harvested from 347(76%) organ donors.

Presentations by Teresa Danek


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