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Organ Utilisation

Thursday October 19, 2023 - 11:00 to 12:00

Room: South Seas Ballroom A/B

P8.6 A historical review of heart transplantation in Saudi Arabia: trends, progress, and heart valve utilization

Yaser M. Kattoah Sr., Saudi Arabia

kideny transplant coordinator
armed forces hospital - alhada




Yaser Kattoah is the Kidney transplant Coordinator for Nephology dep’t at Armed Forces Hospital, Taif KSA. Prior to joining the Kidney Transplant team in Military Hospital, he was working as Administration Organ transplant Coordinator in KFSHRC- Jeddah for almost 12 years. Additional to that, Yaser worked as an Administration for 7 years at the Saudi German Hospital in Jeddah.

Yaser graduate with bachelor degree in Communication Studies from Robber Morris University in Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh 2012 with excellent degree. Besides, he received his Diploma in Hospital Management & Health Care in 1997 from the Administration College of the Makkah Chamber of Commerce.

In addition, He received his Organ Transplant Diploma (Transplant Procurement Management Diploma) in 2007 from institute for lifelong learning, Spain - university of Barcelona

He holds membership with, the transplantation society, Saudi nephrology club and International Transplant Coordinator Society-USA lastly Mr. Yaser has receive the travel grant at the international society for organ donation and procurement (ISODP) devoted to ( improving consent via patient support groups) in 2007 Philadelphia – USA .

During the Covid-19 crisis, he did not stop continuing his education, despite the circumstances that the whole world went through. Yaser decided to enroll in three important online diplomas at Oxford University in the United Kingdom: the Management and Leadership Diploma, the Risk Management Diploma, and finally the Project Management Diploma, and he passed all of them successfully and with distinction.




A historical review of heart transplantation in Saudi Arabia: trends, progress, and heart valve utilization

Rayyan Abdullah Alyahya1, Besher Attar1, Haroun Zakaria Ahmed1, Mohamed Kamal1, Hazem Faisal Jokhadar1, Talal Turki Algoufi1.

1Medical Department, Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Introduction: The landscape of heart transplantation in Saudi Arabia has witnessed significant changes since its inception in 1986. This historical review aims to highlight the trends, progress, and utilization of hearts for valve transplantation in the country, without focusing on specific transplant centers.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of heart transplantation data in Saudi Arabia was conducted to assess the evolution of transplantation activities and the utilization of hearts for valve transplantation. Data on transplanted whole hearts, heart-for-valves transplantations, collected heart valves, and the reasons for valve discard were examined.

Results: Since 1986, a total of 566 whole hearts have been transplanted in Saudi Arabia, demonstrating consistent progress with a steady growth. The 2000’s saw a noticeable increased in heart transplant activity, reflecting advancements in the field. Additionally, 758 heart-for-valves transplantations have been performed. In terms of heart valve transplantation, a total of 15 hearts were collected specifically for this purpose.

Conclusion: The historical growth in heart transplantation and heart valves transplantation in Saudi Arabia showcases the dedication and proficiency of the nation's medical community in providing hope to heart transplant recipients. However, optimization of donated heart valve utilization is essential to ensure these valuable resources can be used to save and improve lives. Continued efforts in addressing the challenges related to heart valve transplantation and improving the overall transplantation process are needed to maximize the impact of these life-saving initiatives.


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