Analytical and intensely motivated Health System Management professional with diverse expertise in hospital & health system management with more than 12 year’s work experience primed to demonstrate a strong work ethics.
MBA (Hospital management) from DAVV university Indore,India
M.Phil (Hospital & Health system management) from BITS,PIlani,India
Phd (P) from IMA Ahmedabad,India
Felicitated by State Govt MP for extraordinary contribution in th efield of creating awareness on Organ Donation in various districts.
Level of knowledge and attitude regarding organ donation: A community-based study from Indore one urban and one rural district on India
Amit Joshi1.
1Medical Administration, Bombay Hospital, Indore, India
Objective: The aim of our study was to assess the knowledge and attitude and to find out the statistics regarding public awareness of organ donation in Indore. This community based, cross-sectional study was conducted from the general population of Indore, India from January December 2022 to April 2023. The respondents were evaluated through a face to face questionnaire. The questionnaire contained variables regarding knowledge and attitude towards organ donation knowledge and its importance.
Study design and study setting: A cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate knowledge and attitude of organ donation in general population of Indore. The study was conducted from December 2022 to April 2023. The target population was the general population of Indore.
Sampling method and sample size: Non-probability, convenience sampling was used in this study. Participants were informed about the questionnaire and were given the proper knowledge about the purpose of the study. A sample size of 3672 was used which was calculated by assuming 40% prevalence for attitude and knowledge regarding organ donation, with a confidence level of 93% and 7% sample error.
Inclusion criteria - All adults above the age of 20 years belonging to either gender were interviewed after informed consent, maximum age limit was 55 years.
Exclusion criteria – Children’s and adults above age of 55 years were excluded.
Method of data collection: Information was collected using a validated questionnaire taken from participants. Knowledge and attitude of the respondents were evaluated through a face to face questionnaire.
Statistical analysis: Data were analyzed and a pie chart with table was made to rule out conclusion
Sample size: 4896 people were approached; amongst them 23 % refused to participate, so a total number of 3672 respondents consented in the research.
Demographics: The mean age of about 75% of the population was in the 20–55 years range. More than half of the respondents happened to be students and female (51.1%) (55%) respectively.
A.1762, (48%) came to know about it from News papers
B.2306 (62.8%) thought that term organ donation meant removal of tissue and organ from the human body for transplantation to another person
C.3003 (81.8%) answered that it’s performed “To save someone’s life
D.3671 (99.98%) knew about “Blood donation
E.1221 (33.26%) chose “Would never consider donating”
F.2140 (58.30 %) stated “Donor” should give consent himself
G.2545 (69.32%) believed that family should have the right to give consent after death
H.1547 (42.14 %) thought that Medical colleges/doctors should take decision
I.2100 (57.2%) people were in “Favour” of promotion
J.1761 (47.98%) wanted to have changes in Law