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Organ donation after medical assistance in dying

Friday October 20, 2023 - 13:10 to 14:40

Room: Jasmine C

232.2 Introducing Organ donation in the process of MAID in Europe

Johannes Mulder, Netherlands

Family Medicine Consultant / Palliative Care Consultant
Family Medicine / Intensive Care
Isala Hospital Zwolle / Family Medicine Group Zwolle


Johannes Mulder MD PhD is a Dutch general practitioner and palliative care physician. Johannes’s expertise includes medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in which he has been active for over 15 years, for the last 7 years including the combination with organ donation and transplantation. He has published several articles on the subject and is the first author of a comprehensive review on organ donation after MAiD (ODE) following the first international roundtable on this subject, published in the American Journal of Transplantation in 2022.  He also chairs the working group for the Dutch ODE Guideline.


Johannes regularly speaks professionally on these subjects for different audiences and in various countries as an invited speaker. He also features in documentaries on the subject. In these settings, he advocates for acceptance of an ODE procedure with minimal impact on the donor.


Johannes has a semirural family medicine practice near Zwolle in the Netherlands and holds a donation-related research position at Isala Medical Center intensive care department in Zwolle, where he also lives with his three sons and wife. Johannes can be contacted at

Presentations by Johannes Mulder


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