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Education 1

Thursday October 19, 2023 - 12:00 to 13:00

Room: Jasmine B

116.1 The principles of donor management and optimisation: An online education package making a real difference

Sarah J Mason, United Kingdom

Professional Development Specialist - Organ Donation
Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
NHS Blood and Transplant


The principles of donor management and optimisation: An online education package making a real difference

Megan Reid1, Sarah J Mason1, Alan Platt2.

1Education and Professional Development Team, NHS Blood and Transplant, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Northumbria University Newcastle, Newcastle, United Kingdom

Introduction: Within NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), it was acknowledged that a redesign was required of the education trainee Specialist Nurses – Organ Donation (SNODs) received, to ensure they were confident and proficient within donor management and optimisation (DMO). A Principles of Donor Management and Optimisation course was created consisting of a virtual simulation day, a Principles of DMO Handbook and self-assessment quizzes. The course was delivered to SNODs within their Foundation Training Programme, which is completed within 6 months of joining NHSBT.
Method: SNODs were given the Principles Handbook, which is a thorough literature review addressing all aspects of DMO. The knowledge gained from the Handbook allowed SNODs to put theory into practice during the Virtual Simulation Day. They were provided with a pre and post course questionnaire which were anonymous and captured both qualitative and quantitative data. The evaluations were independently analysed using an independent t-test.
Results: A review of the first 50 SNODs who participated in the course showed that post course scores were higher. In the first domain, “I am confident in my knowledge of DMO” the post course scores were higher (n=40, M=3.03, SE=0.08) than pre course (n=51, M=2.10, SE=0.11). This was statistically significant (t(87.4)= -6.73, p<0.001). Regarding 10 domains, the results demonstrated an increase in self-confidence scores post course. Six of these were statistically significant: blood pressure management (p=0.010), respiratory management (p=0.011), temperature management (p=0.004), diabetes insipidus management (p <0.001), drugs management (p=0.003) and negotiating and influencing (p=0.003).​ 100% of respondents stated that the Virtual Simulation day had contributed to their development and that it was a safe environment for them to work through common DMO scenarios.​ Confidence in using the NHSBT DBD Donor Optimisation Care Bundle increased from 3.24 out of 5 pre course, to 4.40 post course.​ Post course, feedback showed a positive shift in the SNODs self-reported confidence, knowledge, enthusiasm and empowerment, with less feelings of being anxious, overwhelmed and stressed.  The SNODs stated the virtual course was an engaging and positive learning environment.​ Regarding the Principles Handbook, 100% of SNODs who responded (n=40) (80% response rate) stated that they agree/strongly agree that it contributed to their development. ​
Conclusion: Education on DMO has been expanded and elevated with the use of the Principles of DMO Course. The course has received overwhelmingly positive feedback including increases in self-reported confidence, empowerment and decreased stress and anxiety. Measuring the impact of this education on the number of organs donated has not been studied. Current key performance indicators do not provide the detail required to accurately analyse organ utilisation, however this is an area for development and further research in the future.


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